Why End of Life Planning Doesn't HAVE to Be Stressful

Estate Planning

Believe it or not, planning for the eventuality of your own death or possible incapacity can be a positive experience - if you choose the right professional to work with.    

For many, planning for the future can often take a back seat to more pressing activities.  Many clients tell us they “thought about estate planning for years” before booking an appointment at Spirit West. Thoughts of aging and dying are easy to push aside and are often overshadowed by the more immediate needs of day to day life.  

Contemplating what will happen as we age or when we die can be frightening.  Putting a plan in place is a great way to alleviate fears of aging and dying.  Establishing what will happen and who will be in charge can alleviate the fear that comes from not knowing.  Making important decisions before someone else has to make them for us can also be empowering.  

At Spirit West, we help you to navigate estate planning options and help you to address end-of-life planning.   We take a simple and streamlined approach, which helps you to stay focused and enables you to make the important decisions needed to put an effective plan in place.  We will discuss various estate planning documents that are available to you such as Living Will, Living Trust, Will, and Power of Attorney documents. 

We often hear clients remark that they feel as though “a weight has been lifted” once their planning is complete.  Having estate planning documents in place enables you to move on with your life knowing exactly what will happen should you become incapacitated or reach end-of-life. 

The eventuality of death or incapacity can be overwhelming topics to tackle.  Working with Spirit West will make addressing your estate planning straight forward and easy to understand. 

Take advantage of a complimentary 45 minute consultation and take the first step today.